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How to Choose the Right Study Material to Teach Online

Written By :
Ashish Agrawal
Ashish Agrawal
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How to Choose the Right Study Material to Teach Online

online-teaching has become a great way to spread knowledge around the world. But building a great course can take time and effort. When you are looking for the right study material to teach online, there are a few factors you need to take into account.

The most important factor is to pick a topic that you are interested in and know a lot about. This will make it easier for you to come up with interactive and engaging lessons. You also want to make sure that the material is concise and easy to understand. Finally, it is critical to select materials that are aligned with your teaching style and goals.

In this blog, we will look at how to select the right study material for your online-teaching course. Most of the steps are quite similar to offline teaching, but it also depends on your subject and teaching style. Follow the simple steps and become the best teacher to teach online.

What type of study material can be considered for online-learning?

Learning is a dynamic process. There is no fixed way. As a good teacher, it’s your responsibility to provide your students with the best resources. This could be in the form of books, videos, and images. When it comes to studying materials to train online, you can pick any of the following mediums.

  1. Coursebooks

Whether it’s a standard course for primary students or a vocational hobby course for adults, having some standard coursebooks is a must. This will add to the credibility of the course and also teach the basics including the history of the subject. This will lay a strong foundation for your students. It is good to keep this study material for background reading and bring only the most significant ones into the classroom. Find the best books for teaching online and share them with your students in digital format that can also be printed out if necessary.

  1. Presentations

Visual slides are the best teaching material to attract the eyes of your students. There are plenty of online and offline tools to create presentations. You can add sound, music, and special effects to make the class engaging. Presentations can play an active part in classroom learning because of their ease of usage. Having a presentation in the background while you teach can help your students stay on track and make important notes.

  1. Online videos

This may or may not be a part of the active learning process, but there is plenty of online video teaching material to recommend. The internet is, after all, full of interesting resources from around the world. You can add YouTube videos and Ted Talks to your online study material. Many of these are made by some of the best teachers and can be extremely valuable for your students.

How to choose the best study material to teach online?

Begin with a plan

You cannot pick any study material before you know what you are going to teach—set timelines for the curriculum. Whether you are teaching English or baking, every portion of the syllabus can take a different amount of time. Make a note of the different topics and set the deadline to finish it.

Having a plan will make it easier to choose teaching material. When should you ask your students to pick a coursebook? And when is it better to just refer an online video? A plan will help, for sure.

Research and network

Getting the right study material will involve a lot of research. You may have to connect to online portals and publishers to get the best study materials. At times, you may also have to curate your own list and perhaps, pen down some material yourself. This will help make your course more personalized and elevate your status as a great teacher. Network with some good teachers in your subject to get more expertise.

Storing and sharing online study material

Once you have collected your resources, you must find a way to store and share them. You may have to spend some time knowing about digital apps and drives if you are not already aware of them. online-teaching can be quite easy that way because you don’t need to carry everything in a big bag!

Learn to convert your documents into PDFs before sharing. You can create a drive to store the digital study material, including books and chapters. You may also create a sheet for links to videos and web pages that can be relevant. There are plenty of teaching apps that can help you in this process.

Final Thoughts

online-teaching is quite difficult as it has become very competitive with a plethora of teaching apps. You must have a strong course to stand out and offer more value with the right study materials to your students.

If you are looking for a great platform to start online-teaching, you must check out Kohbee! Create your teaching profile in less than 60 seconds and sell your courses online. They have a built-in payment-gateway to avoid payment hassles, and managing your course is super-easy with their smart technology.

Explore Kohbee right now and get ready to ace the world of online-teaching today!

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How to Choose the Right Study Material to Teach Online
Ashish Agrawal

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